Hi everybody,
is there any option to extract a list of all Power Virtual Agents? I already checked for PowerShell CmdLets and Flow actions but wasn't successful.
Background: I want to expand our current governance process also to Power Virtual Agents. For this, I need a list of all PVA's (ideally with owner, etc.). In a second step, I want to disable and delete PVA's which have not been assessed/approved by the decision bodies.
Many thanks in advance and best regards,
Thanks for the reply. I had a look at the CoE Starter Kit. That uses legacy Dataverse connector to query Chatbots table in Dataverse, but even that flow excludes Teams environments, because you can only access tables in Dataverse for Teams from the same environment.
We're considering using Dataverse for Teams for end-user / citizen development.
However there does not seem to be a way to inventory bots in Dataverse for Teams environments. It's a shame there isn't a connector for PowerVirtualAgents for Admins with an action to 'List all Bots' as there are for Power Automate and Power Apps.
The CoE Starter Kit does a pretty good job at helping you make an inventory of all the bots in your tenant: Microsoft Power Platform Center of Excellence Kit - Power Platform | Microsoft Docs
@Expiscornovus - I found your suggestions / blog post really helpful.
@ArnoldC - Did you ever find a way to get retrieve ChatBots for all environments?
Hi @ArnoldC,
You could check the conversationstarttime property of the ConversationTranscipts table.
Below is another list rows which uses a filter with a lookup to the ChatBot id in an apply to each.
_bot_conversationtranscriptid_value eq @{items('Apply_to_each')?['botid']}
Many thanks @Expiscornovus for the quick answer.
Do you also know, if and how I would be able to find out, if a PVA is still used (e.g. last activity date, ...)?
Hi @ArnoldC,
You could use a list rows action in a Power Automate flow against the ChatBot table in Dataverse. That will give you a list of chatbots against that current environment. Hopefully that is a good start 🙂