Hi Team,
I receive this error when I try to save adding more data sources as websites:
" HTTP Status:PreconditionFailed, ServiceRequestId: d5cc9c80-4d4e-4596-8877-35898b4870a2 [0x80060882:ConcurrencyVersionMismatch] The version of the existing record doesn't match the RowVersion property provided. Diagnostic Trace Id: Trace id not available. Headers: {"cache-control":"no-cache, no-store "
Could you please advise?
Many thanks,
Any update ?
I am also getting this when just adding a SharePoint to the generative AI settings and saving 😞
HTTP Status:PreconditionFailed, ServiceRequestId: fc29de5e-93ed-4568-b0a6-01bd5dbc11c3 [0x80060882:ConcurrencyVersionMismatch] The version of the existing record doesn't match the RowVersion property provided.
I also get it when disabling/enabling topics or using the generative AI step within a topic.
Please note these errors were occurring on a new Copilot even before I added a topic.
Sorry for the delay - please enter this as a support request, I would not expect this error in any PVA solution and would like the dev team to investigate.