Hi everyone,
Im trying to deploy Azure OpenAI to PVA and whenever I do and PVA loads - there's nothing in there. Are there any reconfigurations I need to do in PVA aside from the default topics?
I was able to connect Azure Open AI to blob storage and attempted to deploy in PVA. Even tested the bot but its not giving me any response like it doesnt have the data on it (from the blob storage). See photo below.
Can Anyone share a link on the step by step guide in the actual deployment of OAI in PVA? Or if you could share some basic workflows that I can follow - that would be very helpful as well.
Is there anywhere we can check when it would be available to different regions? i.e. when or is it already available for Australia? Thanks!
Yes, you should use these. They should be consistent across your index document as they're defined at the index level:
Hi @HenryJammes
My data is actually from azure search service 🙂
I also did the search as per your example in my index but I have more that 10 pdf files in there. Can I use any of the titles, urls, filepaths and content?
I see you're using SharePoint as a data source, so I would look at the available data you have in your index.
Sometimes, title and filepath are the same for lack a better option.
No problem @brandonsierra, that space is still very new for most of us 🙂
These indeed exist in your Azure search service, in your index.
If you click on search, you'll likely get the columns you have configured in your index.
In my below example, I could use content, filepath, title and url and use them for my mapping with the Azure OpenAI On Your Data configuration in PVA:
Thank you.. Could you also point out where to get the title and file name from azure search service? Been going back and forth but I couldnt find it.
Thanks again @HenryJammes
to clarify, where can I find "title" and "file name" in Azure Search Service?
Thanks again and apologies for the confusion.
This is the YAML definition of the topic in PVA.
You can access it by clicking on ... and Open code editor at the top right corner of your topic in PVA:
Hi @HenryJammes ,
Thank you for the response. The link was indeed very helpful.
Needed to create another environment to create the pva bot.
I have a small clarification on the link that you shared: Where exactly can I find the YAML definition?
Was trying to locate it in the portal but I couldnt seem to find it.
Thanks again!