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Power Apps - Building Power Apps

network error when using patch function

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I have created a power app and when i run it I keep getting an error -  Network error when using patch functionthe requested operation is invalid.

I have absolutely no idea why this is happening though I only have limited knowledge of creating powerapps.  This is driving me crazy dos anyone know why I would get this error and how I go about correcting it?


  • charterha17 Profile Picture
    charterha17 4 on at
    Re: network error when using patch function
                        Date: DTG_Date.SelectedDate,
                        Shift: If(
                            {Value: DTG_Shift.SearchText},
                        Type_: If(
                            {Value: DTG_Type.SearchText},
                        Reason: If(
                            {Value: DTG_Reason.SearchText},
                        Source: If(
                            {Value: DTG_Source.SearchText},
                        Part_Number: DTG_PartNumber.Text,
                        Minutes: Value(DTG_Minutes.Text),
                        Comments: DTG_Comments.Text
    UpdateContext({EditMe: false})
    I am having the same issue with my combo box... 
  • gdb789 Profile Picture
    gdb789 36 on at
    Re: network error when using patch function

    The 'Monitor' (Advanced tools - Monitor) tool may help.  Run the app, and you'll see the same error at the patching step, then 'Download' the details in JSON (in the top menu).  Search through it to see if you can find what actually causes the error.  That saved me tons of time (I had many custom fields and I knew it must be one of them.)

  • Yogesh_9 Profile Picture
    Yogesh_9 4 on at
    Re: network error when using patch function
            EmployeeCode: {
                '@odata.type': "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedReference",
                Id: ComboboxCanvas1.Selected.ID,
                Value: ComboboxCanvas1.Selected.Title
            'Employee Name': LookUp(
                Title = ComboboxCanvas1.Selected.Title,
            Department: LookUp(
                ComboboxCanvas1.Selected.Title in Title,
            'EmployeeCode: Location': {
                '@odata.type': "#Microsoft.Azure.Connectors.SharePoint.SPListExpandedReference",
                Id: ComboboxCanvas1.Selected.ID,
                Value: ComboboxCanvas1.Selected.Location
            Title: DataCardValue1.Value,
            ModelNumer: DataCardValue3.Value,
            SerialNumber: DataCardValue4.Value,
            HardDisk: DataCardValue5.Value,
            RAM: DataCardValue11.Value,
            Configuration: DataCardValue12.Value,
            LEDModelNo: DataCardValue13.Value,
            LEDSerialNo: DataCardValue14.Value,
            Vendor: DataCardValue15.Value,
            Status: DataCardValue16.Value,
            DateofPurchased: DataCardValue17.SelectedDate,
            IssuedDate: DataCardValue18.SelectedDate,
            Value: Value(DataCardValue19.Value)
    )  i have facing same issue as i have created a collection inventory data which i used to filter my employee code and based on that i called my employee name , department ,location based on the filtration   please help me to resolve this column 
  • Verified answer
    Ami K Profile Picture
    Ami K 15,655 on at
    Re: network error when using patch function

    @Station1901 - some typical checks depending on your data source:


    • Check if you have any required fields not included in your Patch
    • Check if you have permission to write back to the data source
    • Remove each field from the patch one by one until the error disappears to pinpoint which field is causing the problem.
    • Check if you are patching Text to a Number column (and vice versa) or if you are patching to a Choice field
    • For SharePoint, check if any of those fields have "enforce unique values" enabled and you're not patching to a field which already has the same value
    • If any of your fields are a Choice field type, check if the choice from the combo box/dropdown in your app exists as an the available choice in the SharePoint list. If not, you will need set the SharePoint choice column to allow “fill in” choices (or 'can add values manually' in modern SharePoint).
    • Check the number of people columns in your list. The threshold in a single list is 12 Lookup columns. You start out with 2 out of the box people columns ("Created by" and "Modified by"), so you actually have 10 LookUp columns left to work with (people columns are also considered LookUp columns).

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