Hi, I've made Authentication to Manual (AAD v2) and checked the Require users to sign in checkbox under Access. Is there any way I can provide access to external users without changing Access and Authentication Settings of my PVA Bot. I'm hoping there might be someway to configure external users in AD to have access to my Bot. I can't find any solid documentation from Microsoft regarding this. Can anyone help me to find a way if there is one.
Hi @sarathutla
Thank you for the update. Consider creating an idea in the Ideas section and posting here so people can vote!
Hey @Jcook , this is just to let you know that I got an update from support team. Unfortunately, whatever I'm trying to do is not possible as per design.
@Jcook - Thank You for all your prompt responses. I've created a support ticket and will let you know if I get any solution from them.
@renatoromao - Any help here is much appreciated!
Hi @sarathutla
Right, however if your app registration is setup to only user in your organization, that could be the issue.
You might have better luck with the support team, that way they can see inside your tenant and provide insights.
@renatoromao any ideas?
Hi @Jcook , The document you've shared is for configuring SSO. Currently I don't want to enable SSO as I've published the Bot to a Demo Website.
I believe configuring SSO is not mandatory for Guest Users to have access to Bot. Please correct me if I'm wrong.
Hey @sarathutla
Can you confirm in the App Registration the user access looks like from the docs I have sent:
the docs you sent, don’t go in detail for the app registration. The one I have shared goes in depth on the settings. Please confirm your app registration settings are following that of the docs here:
Yes @Jcook , I did register my app in AAD by following https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/power-virtual-agents/configuration-end-user-authentication#configure-authentication-with-manual-azure-ad
I've no issues with the user accounts in my organization (member accounts). The problem is only for the guest users in my organization.
Hi @sarathutla
So since you're using the AAD V2 Auth.
Have you set up an Azure App Registration?
Can you confirm that your settings are following the docs:
Configure single sign-on - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Docs
I've tried changing the user type to Member. Still no luck😥.
And the documentation is not detailed as well.