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Modern Combobox Control Not Following Conditional Logic

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Hello! I'll get straight to the issue:

Modern Combobox control is not following conditional logic that currently works with classic comboboxes.
If I set the Visible property of a field to:
Combobox1.Selected.Value = "Yes"
, it should only display when that Combobox has "Yes" selected.
However, with the Modern Control, it will not follow that logic unless it SPECIFICALLY has a value selected. Blank by default does not work like it does with the classic control. The field will show when the combobox has nothing selected.
The work-around I had to put into place was to add this code to the DefaultSelectedItems property of the combobox:
If(IsBlank(Parent.Default), [{Value: ""}],[Parent.Default])
Then I ALSO had to add this into the Update property of the card the combobox was in, in case the user didn't select anything when saving:
If(Combobox1.Selected.Value = "",Blank(),Combobox1.Selected)
For me, until the Modern ComboBox control has these conditional bugs worked out, it will be very hard to adopt it.
  • Suggested answer
    Ravindra Jadhav Profile Picture
    Ravindra Jadhav 240 on at
    Modern Combobox Control Not Following Conditional Logic
    Try with old ComboBox
    Please Closed the Question, Mark it Solved 
    If my answer helped resolve your issue, please consider marking it as solved to assist others facing the same problem. Additionally, giving it a like would be greatly appreciated and motivates us to keep helping
    Thank You
    Ravindra Jadhav
  • FLMike Profile Picture
    FLMike 29,105 on at
    Modern Combobox Control Not Following Conditional Logic
    7,0000000,000000,000000 Thumbs up to what Warren said
    If you DO NOT need to use them Do not use the modern controls
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,422 on at
    Modern Combobox Control Not Following Conditional Logic
    A lot of things concerning Modern controls need to be sorted- not only bugs but functionality compared with Classic controls. I have not turned them on in any of my production apps at this point.

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