Hello! I'll get straight to the issue:
Modern Combobox control is not following conditional logic that currently works with classic comboboxes.
If I set the Visible property of a field to:
Combobox1.Selected.Value = "Yes"
, it should only display when that Combobox has "Yes" selected.
However, with the Modern Control, it will not follow that logic unless it SPECIFICALLY has a value selected. Blank by default does not work like it does with the classic control. The field will show when the combobox has nothing selected.
The work-around I had to put into place was to add this code to the DefaultSelectedItems property of the combobox:
If(IsBlank(Parent.Default), [{Value: ""}],[Parent.Default])
Then I ALSO had to add this into the Update property of the card the combobox was in, in case the user didn't select anything when saving:
If(Combobox1.Selected.Value = "",Blank(),Combobox1.Selected)
For me, until the Modern ComboBox control has these conditional bugs worked out, it will be very hard to adopt it.