Hi there,
I have a wired problem with powerapps email field.
My PowerApp application uses form to get data from user and uses share point list as data source to save them.
The Sharepoint list has a field named "PMEmail" of datatype Person or Group.
This filed in PowerApps is shown as a dropdown and when users types names of people, list of matching email IDs are popuped.
Few of the emails within my organization is not fetched / populated in the dropdown list of powerapps, while the same email ids are fetched when directly filling the sharepoint list.
Note: All O365 applications in our organization connects with Azure AD.
Can you guys suggest what could be issue here or is there something i'm missing.
Hi @SS13,
This is so weird.
How about setting the Combo Box using the Ofifce365User() function?
Set the Items property as below:
Not sure how many users in your group, just test if this could solve your problem.
Hi Qi
I have already set the Item property of the dropdown datacard to Choices(SPList.PersonFieldName). Still i do not get to see all the email IDs that are visible in the sharepoint list. Please find the screen shot of the powerapps.
Let me know if i'm missing anything.
Hi @SS13,
Could you please tell me that how you set the Items property of the dropdown control?
Actually, if you connect the Office365Users to the app and use the Office365User() function to get users, it do have difference with the SharePoint dropdown list.
If you want the dropdown list display users as many as they are the SharePoint dropdown list, please set the Items of the dropdown control as below:
Please check if it could help.