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Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

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Recently, the "Post adaptive card and wait for a response" is taking a lot longer than normal. It used to take only a few seconds, but is now taking almost two minutes, causing Power Virtual Agents to time out. This issue is affecting all of my flows, and the flow fails as the 'Return values to Power Virtual Agents' times out.

I am thinking it might be a rate limit, but I read through the documentations and it appears that most of the time I should be getting an exception if I exceed it, rather than being slowed down. There has only been 400 actions a day (way lower than 10,000 as specified here:


The weird thing is, if I resubmit the flow via the run history rather than triggering it from Power Virtual Agents, the response is registered in 5 seconds.



  • AC130 Profile Picture
    AC130 2 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    The workaround we had to put in place in our case was to move the "Return value(s) to Power Virtual Agents" step up in the flow to prevent PVA from timing out while waiting for a response. This allows PVA to complete the topic run while still allowing the adaptive card's function to work correctly within the PA flow. It is worth noting that our PVA topic did not depend on the return value to work correctly as PA handled the rest once the card received input from the user that called it, so the return value to PVA was arbitrary. 

  • vinod_reddy_257 Profile Picture
    vinod_reddy_257 4 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    It works if you delete PVA Output in the last in power automate flow. Only problem is you the topic with power automate action should be the last

  • vinod_reddy_257 Profile Picture
    vinod_reddy_257 4 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    It works well in dev environment but creates delay and time out in prod. Any solution please!

  • doschtert Profile Picture
    doschtert 38 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    Hi Mike,


    I tried your workaround and it did not work from my side. I still get a time out from PVA after a certain amount of time. 

    In the PVA Testbot, it works fine, but so does the direct "Adaptive Card and wait for a response" flow. 

    Are there special settings you have set in your HTTP requests? 


  • MikeBerendsen Profile Picture
    MikeBerendsen 4 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    I'm trying to show Adaptive Cards as being useful in PVA to my manager, and ran into this 😣 Given the comments that Microsoft is working on it for 3 weeks, I wanted to share a work around because I can't wait for Microsoft. 


    If you nest your Post Adaptive Card and Await response in another flow triggered by HTTP, 

    the submit action is registered by the Adaptive Card wait action and the flow completes as fast as expected. 

    You just have to have the HTTP premium connector, and pass any variables in the header or body back and forth like a normal API Post call,


    Hope that helps someone while they fix this.







  • rmc Profile Picture
    rmc 51 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    So I have escalated the issue. In short you (MS) cannot release an action, even in preview, and then say it is not supported. If it is not supported do not release it.

    I can also confirm if you delete the Return value(s) to Power Virtual Agents action then the issue is resolved, but you have to complete the entire chat topic withing the FLOW since you cannot pass anything back to the PVA.


    Unfortunately, we may just have to wait until such time it is fixed or there is an alternate solution.

  • LeongQJ Profile Picture
    LeongQJ 50 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    That's unfortunate. As far as I know PostAdaptiveCard is only available in Bot Framework Composer, and I would prefer to not use it. And it also begs the question, what flows/actions are not support/recommended in PVA? I don't see any documentation on this.

  • rmc Profile Picture
    rmc 51 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    OK. So I got a response from support and to be honest not particularly happy with it.


    I am contacting you about our current issue, after escalated this internally, our product team has informed us that the “Post adaptive card and wait for a response” action,  It is not a supported/recommended scenario for use with PVA, and will lead to unexpected behavior. You can use a regular PostAdaptiveCard action to likely get the behavior they want.


    We opened a work item internally, to update our documentation accordingly. To update the documentation can take some time.


     I wish there was another way around this; however, let’s try to settle with what we have for the time-being.


    One thing you could try to do as well is to share this feature idea in the Power Platform Community forum. In this site, the ideas that get the most votes can be considered in the future releases of Power Platform.


  • LeongQJ Profile Picture
    LeongQJ 50 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    Thank you for the update! Hopefully it gets resolved so that I can confidently use it in my Chatbot. Currently, it seems like using Microsoft Forms is the safer way.

  • rmc Profile Picture
    rmc 51 on at
    Re: Why does Post adaptive card and wait for a response take two minutes to register a response?

    Just an note that I am working closely with MS Support and they have replicated the issue. Will advise when I get an update.

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