How can I add the VA to a WordPress website? I have used Buttonizer to get a button on every page, and then PopupMaker to add the frame, but I am having issues with how it displays on mobile. Popup Maker suggests that I don't use iFrames. Does anyone have any suggestions?
Hi @luciamc1968 ,
You can follow these steps:
1- Go to the channels section on the left menu under Manage, and there you find 15 channels ready to choose from to make your bot available.
2- Select the option Customer Website so that you could connect it to your WordPress site.
3- It gives you an HTML snippet that you could copy and paste into the page on your website.
<!DOCTYPE html><html><body><iframe src=”” frameborder=”0″ style=”width: 100%; height: 100%;”></iframe></body></html>
4- Copy this code and jump into the WordPress admin section of your website.
5- Open the page in edit mode and add a code block to the bottom of the page with the HTML provided.
6- Then saved and published the page. And it worked.
If you want to update the layout, you can use the scripts into your Wordpress page.
Thanks! 🙂