I have created an APP that is used to display a list of events that are happening. The app is connected/uses a sharepoint list. These events happen in different time zones. Example: one event today could be taking place in California, event for tomorrow could be taking place in New York, etc... These events have date/times that are discussed/agreed upon and all discussions we use EST.
Issue - Event is created by someone in PST. When viewed by someone in EST - the time displayed changes to reflect their timezone.
What is the best route to get the SharePoint List and/OR the APP to properly display the times as EST for all users regardless of their timezone.
Patch string currently looks like this for the date / time piece (Where StartDateTime is the name of the column in the sharepoint list. This column is currently set in SharePoint as a Date/Time) :
StartDateTime: DateTimeValue('listIU-StartDateTime'.SelectedDate & " " & Time(Value('listIU-TimeHR'.Selected.Value),
Value('listIU-TimeMin'.Selected.Value), 0))
The powerapp screen for submitting/updating fields look like this:
Where the above
Date = 'listIU-StartDateTime'
Hour = 'listIU-TimeHR'
Min = 'listIU-TimeMin'
The screen to view the information simply has ThisItem.StartDateTime and ThisItem.EndDateTime displaying within a gallery.
If user's are in different time zones I don't know any easy way to retrieve what time zone they are in. But SharePoint will normally only translate between UTC and the time zone for the server. So you should only need one timezone, unless the user's have set their time zone setting in SharePoint.
Is there a way to do this as a blanket // all users vs manually creating a list of users and doing a lookup?
SharePoint stores all these dates and times in UTC for just this reason. When you look at them in SharePoint it automatically converts the date and time to the local user's timezone. The problem is that this conversion is done by SharePoint and doesn't automatically happen in Power Apps. The best practice then would be to emulate SharePoint. Have a list of user's that you can do a lookup on to get their timezone and then convert the Date/Time to and from UTC as appropriate.