I have a gallery with values and an input box.
Input box has been added to my gallery which allows a user to input values.
When all values are completed I want to use a button to update my collection rows with all the individual values a user has put for each line.
The code below works but it doesn't update my collection with the correct values in my Error column.
I get the same value for all rows.
Any help is greatly appreciate.
UpdateIf(Reactive,Row = ThisRecord.Row,
Error: [@'Input-Error ReActive'].Text
Thank you.
Unfortunately that doesn't work. I've tried that before.
No values are stored in my collection.
I'm using the on change to patch the values in the collection so that works for me.
Hi @christian12
[@'Input-Error ReActive'].Text instead using this 'Input-Error ReActive'.Text.
Try this formula,
Row = ThisRecord.Row,
Error: InputBoxName.Text // Replace InputBox1 with the actual name of your input box
} )
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