Hello everyone,
In my company, we have 3 different environments (Dev, preprod, prod) and 1 for organization "psl-dev". I was importing a solution which contains PCF solution from Dev to Preprod and got an Error that the "Publisher prefix new for this control psl.confirmdialogcontrol does not match the prefix "crd7e" for the solution with Id xxx".
The Publisher of the main solution is indeed DefautDevPublisher with crd7e prefix And I chose the Org one with "new" prefix when initializing my PCF. Which is weird is that, in my generated repo, there are 3 publishers.
So I wonder if I can "switch" those publisher to the crd7e one. Do you think it's possible ?
I look at the CLI doc : https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/powerapps/developer/data-platform/powerapps-cli and the cmd "pac pcf version" looks like a way to achieve this. But I am not really comfortable with the CLI yet.
If anyone has a suggestion, glad to hear it. Thank you.
Yes, you can customize the prefix each time you deploy the PCF.
See below article for details.
Thank you @cchannon,
I expected this. So I will do so.
Regarding Publishers and prefixes, I may consider change the existings or create a new one as you suggest, but I must first consider the impact because There are shared entities between solutions so potential side effects...
The only way to change the publisher is to rebuild the control with a different --publisher-prefix value then delete the copy of the control currently installed in your environment and import the newly built copy.
That said, generally I think most would call it bad practice to use these default prefixes, and instead I would recommend you make a new publisher with a prefix that you can remember and always make your customizations with that prefix. It sounds like you're already a bit too deep into your customization work to change all that, but I suggest you start with a solution publisher and prefix the next time.