Im using Local collection in combination with cds for saving my data because of offline mode.
Saving works like a charm. Even my toggle values are getting saved.
But loading Data from gallery.selected record (is binded with local collection) into my viewform this happens:
The preview in my IDE shows the Value of the record
This is the View when I execute (f5) my app (same running on my mobile phone)
Im saving and loading the Data with SaveData & LoadData since I dont want to save the informations individually.
We using only online mode now. there are to many workarounds to setup and collection is a really bad datasource for my objects.
Maybe there are better functions in future updates for handling offline mode.
Anyway thanks for trying to help me. 🙂
Suppose you have DataSourceName and CollectionName
Try Refresh(DataSourceName) somewhere such as OnSelect of the Save Button right after your save - e.g. use semicolon after your Patch or SubmitForm and put Refresh(DataSourceName) - this may also automatically bring the new data in to your collection, even if you are using a Collection as a bridge between Data Source and App.