Halli, Hallo, Hallöle!
as you may know there is a function to export a list to excel in SharePoint.
In my flow I basically want to recreate this function on a scheduled date...
The problem I have is that there's no Excel-Action to create a new file or a table. I want that the flow automatically generates the SharePoint-list items as Excel-file once in a month, it is important that .csv is not sufficient for me because I need the filter function in Excel-tables...
Any suggestions?
Thanks in advance!
Thanks for your reply!
I did it as you said and the excel file gets updated with the data, but when I get the excel file with "get file content using path" to send it as E-mail, the file doesn't seem to be updated yet. It looks like the file still gets modified when I send it as E-Mail.
Working with timers doesn't seem to be a proper solution either...