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Power Automate - General Discussion

How do I point the Add a row into a table connector to an Excel file saved in another user's folder which has been shared with me

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Posted on by 17

I believe that my question is pretty straightforward, but please let me know what additional information I can provide.  Thank you in advance!

  • Re: How do I point the Add a row into a table connector to an Excel file saved in another user's folder which has been shared with me

    Hi @jopers ,


    I made a sample for you:


    Create a table in excel.




    Share file.




    Open the file location with the user who shared the file.





    Copy the link.




    Create a flow and paste the copied link in location.




    Save and run flow.



    Best Regards,


  • Verified answer
    jopers Profile Picture
    jopers 17 on at
    Re: How do I point the Add a row into a table connector to an Excel file saved in another user's folder which has been shared with me

    I may have figured out the solution. 🙂

    Will continue testing to be sure.

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