Is it possible to trigger an XML Action via flow?
And is it possible to read XML Files and use the Values inside the file within the flow?
Hi @ Magnifica,
Do you want get the content of a XML Files with Microsoft flow?
Could you please show a bit more about the XML action that you mentioned?
The XML Action is not supported in Microsoft flow currently, if you would like this feature to be added in Microsoft Flow, please submit an idea to Flow Ideas Forum:
If you would like to get the content of a XML Files, Microsoft flow support to get the content of file in services such as “OneDrive” , “OneDrive for Business”, “Dropbox”, “Google Drive” and so on, you could store the XML File in your “Onedrive for business”
If you store the excel in the services to such as “OneDrive for Business”, you could use “get file content” action of “OneDrive for Business” Connector to get the content of file.
You could create a flow as screenshot below”:
The flow would run successfully as below:
Alice Zhang