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Update Text Label Depending on Condition

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I have a collection with Start Date, End Date, Notes, and True/False Column...
I'm trying to update a Text Label for all dates between Start and End that has a true value in the true/false column to display 📝.
I know I need to use ForAll, Sequence, and DateDiff together, but I can't seem to figure out how to get the dates from Start and End correctly.
I'm using the OOTB Calendar in Powerapps and basically it would display Info for the day and 📝 if the dates have a true value in the true/false column.
Below is what I have so far, and it works for the Start Date, but I need to update it so it captures al the dates between start and end.
If(IsEmpty(Filter(colUPCOMINGDAL,ThisItem.'Departure Date'= Parent.Selected.'Departure Date'&&ThisItem.'ACP Notes'= true )),ThisItem.Title&" "&ThisItem.Legs,"📝")
Can someone point me in the right direction?
  • Suggested answer
    tsa-svd2srv Profile Picture
    tsa-svd2srv 192 on at
    Update Text Label Depending on Condition
    If I understand what you're asking, your Label's Text property should be something like:
            StartDate_ColumnName <= StartDatePickerName.SelectedDate && 
            EndDate_ColumnName >= EndDatePickerName.SelectedDate && 
            TrueFalse_ColumnName = true,
    Let me know if it works.

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