That's my first try of working with solutions.
For that, I've created a new solution and add an existing canvas app in that solution.
In this canvas app, I have a triggered flow that needs 3 parameters. But I have this error:
My flows cannot work with 2 parameters and it still works perfectly in the classic environment without solution.
I cannot recreate the flow from scratch because, in the dynamic content, I cannot add a parameter from Power Apps, I can access only to the environment variables.
I think the problem is only linked to the fact that I work with solutions. But that's the goal of my exercise so I should find a solution for this flow.
@raks Are you using the v1 trigger from PowerApp?
In my opinion its much easier to use the v2-trigger when working with parameters, if you are able to change that I think thats a good idea.
I don't know why but I'm now able to add a new parameter from Power Apps. So now it works, yesterday not. No more explanation...
Hi @raks ,
Can you show the trigger in both environments?
I suspect something is changed there, if everything is as it is, remove the flow from the App and re-add it.
See, if you can pass proper arguments after this.
Also, do check the name of the flow used in the App. Sometimes adding flow again on existing one, creates different name with _1 ahead, so do check that as well.
Hope this helps
Call to the flow that upload a photo on SharePoint in DV environment:
Same call in another environment without DV (no error):
The flow receives 3 arguments: the item id, the filename and the file content.
The file uploaded is renamed with the item id and keep the same extension and then, is uploaded to a SharePoint site.
Hi @raks ,
I don't think solutions will alter such change.
Can you check where you have called the Flow in your PowerApps?
Also, verify the count of parameters is equal to that within your Flow?
Is yes, then it shouldn't be an issue.
Send pic if any query.
Hope this helps
I've already refresh or remove and add again many many times.
Hi @raks
Could be that the flow is not refreshed in your canvas app, try run a refresh and try again:
Else try to remove it and add it again.
Hope it helps!