Lab 8 - AI in A Day has wrong model shown and in instructions on Page 2 of lab. It instructs and shows selecting the Classification Model based upon Texts but it should instruct students to use the Prediction based upon Historical Model. Please fix for future students!
I tried creating a flow to manually run the model but the RecordID column is not available in the list of dynamic fields - see screenshot in attachment - I am at a dead end and will await a response. Can't get anything to work around prediction model and lab 8.
This looks like a similar issue reported by another user
Solved: AI Prediction Model: Result column is blank - Power Platform Community (microsoft.com)
I have scheduled the prediction model to run every day but it appears it never runs since no predictions are getting created in the table in Dataverse
I will see if I can manually get a prediction out of the model using Flow as described in this post. Will let you know
Lab 8 is very confusing and is taking a lot of effort to try and see if I can get anything to work in it. So far I have not been able to get the model to run
Here is a screenshot showing no data produced
I waited a few days (over the weekend) hoping the prediction model might produce results. No luck - lab 8 does not produce any results - just blanks in the columns
Next question - How can I see if the prediction model we built in Lab 8 has run?
Thanks again for letting us know @skylitedave! The team will review this lab to see where it needs clarification (cc @plarrue)
In the meantime, the prediction help page can help provide more guidance: Overview of the prediction model - AI Builder | Microsoft Docs
Lab 8 – I am lost on this lab – not getting prediction any results
Module 1 - Step 14 in module 1 is not explained well... I am not following how the data influences the prediction model ... More information and some context/examples are needed to understand why the month column has more influence on the model than the traffic type column and what that really means. I don’t understand the concept of why the month is so much more valuable to the model and how it affects the prediction.
Lab 8 – Module 1 - Step 15 – I don’t understand what the model is predicting and how I can view the prediction versus the actual outcome in the test data
I also don’t understand how much test data (how many rows) is needed before I try and train the model...
Module 2 – after step 9 I hit Save and get 1 warning “ App must reference at least one entity” in yellow at the top of the page
I built the view in the lab for the Model Driven app and there is no data in the predicted or probability columns.
I also built a canvas app and had the exact same values in the gallery referencing the same values ( or lack there of) for the Online Shopper Intentions entity (Table).
Lab 8 on prediction is confusing and not producing any results so am completely lost on this one... seems like there are a bunch of missing steps to actually run the model. I tried it a week ago and had the exact same experience.
Do I need to run the prediction model or something??? What is missing in this lab???
I went back to the summary page for the model (where the grade is) and select the Use Mode button and run the model then I select the three dots and hit the retrain the run but did not produce any results
Totally lost on this lab and need help
Can you please reach out to me via email .... I have been able to get a lot of things working that would really make for some compelling labs ... much better than what you have presently. Have custom doc extraction in flow with Adatum invoice samples, lobe image working (drink not drink) with web cam, ID data extraction on phone with power app camera control into SharePoint lists - all working end - to - end using SharePoint as repository... just getting started
Hi @skylitedave - hope your week is going well! 🙂 The lab has been updated to address your feedback. Thanks again for sharing it!
Thanks @skylitedave, another good catch 👀! The wording has changed a bit in the UI. We'll update the lab soon to reflect this. Here's what you need to do to get to that flow template.
1. Select Use model in your trained document processing model.
2. Select Build intelligent automations
3. Select Microsoft 365 Outlook work account
Lab 3 - Exercise 2 - Power Automate - I cannot find the flow template referenced in this exercise and the instructions are not clear. Instructions reference a template (I think) but I cannot find that template or it does not exist so am pretty lost... I can make the flow from scratch but I believe that is not what was intended... take a look