Re: Lab 8 - AI in A Day has wrong model shown and in Instructions on Page 2 of lab
Lab 8 – I am lost on this lab – not getting prediction any results
Module 1 - Step 14 in module 1 is not explained well... I am not following how the data influences the prediction model ... More information and some context/examples are needed to understand why the month column has more influence on the model than the traffic type column and what that really means. I don’t understand the concept of why the month is so much more valuable to the model and how it affects the prediction.
Lab 8 – Module 1 - Step 15 – I don’t understand what the model is predicting and how I can view the prediction versus the actual outcome in the test data
I also don’t understand how much test data (how many rows) is needed before I try and train the model...
Module 2 – after step 9 I hit Save and get 1 warning “ App must reference at least one entity” in yellow at the top of the page
I built the view in the lab for the Model Driven app and there is no data in the predicted or probability columns.
I also built a canvas app and had the exact same values in the gallery referencing the same values ( or lack there of) for the Online Shopper Intentions entity (Table).
Lab 8 on prediction is confusing and not producing any results so am completely lost on this one... seems like there are a bunch of missing steps to actually run the model. I tried it a week ago and had the exact same experience.
Do I need to run the prediction model or something??? What is missing in this lab???
I went back to the summary page for the model (where the grade is) and select the Use Mode button and run the model then I select the three dots and hit the retrain the run but did not produce any results
Totally lost on this lab and need help