I have a problem when trying to add a skill to my PVA. I´m getting the following error:
"This skill couldn't be validated.
Review details and try again. We ran into problems getting the skill manifest."
I have followed this 2 guides step by step:
In appsettings.json I have added:
"AllowedCallers": [ "*" ],
And in the manifest I have added the URL to my Skill and the AppId. I see that these values are added when browsing to http://mydomain.azurewebsites.net/manifest/manifest-1.0.json
Also the Skill works from the Test Chat in Azure.
Any idea? Thanks
Hi @ArafatTehsin ,
thank you for replying.
I was just now able to have the skill replying my messages (even removing the message parameter from the manifest).
My mistake on triggering phrases.
However, still got problems in importing a ToDo skill. But it is another thread (https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Bot-Extensibility/Error-while-importing-ToDo-skill/m-p/668479#M27).
If you can help there, it'll be great.
Hi @Galasso
I do not think so (just speculating) that it is a manifest issue. I also have the similar (1/0) skill added to my PVA right now and I can get the messages perfectly fine.
I now want to learn how have you setup your Skill (from Bot Framework side). If you can share some more information about it then that'd be great.
Hi Arafat, hi all,
I'm trying to import a previously created skill into my PVA without success.
The import and registration went well but the skill is never responding to my messages, even following your trick to add a "value" in the message activity (under "activities") and the corresponding definition in the "definitions".
Apart of seeing "1/0" in the "Input/Output" column of the Skill actions, I'm not able to have the skill reply to my messages.
What can I do to understand what's happen?
Hi @Anonymous
It looks like a manifest issue. Apologies for getting back to you late. Can I see your manifest (you can remove the secret values from there).
Alternatively, you can follow this as it will help you in building the correct manifest.