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Using Search function for searching in lookup columns

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 I have few lookup columns in my table , namely "PERMIT_TYPE" , "DEPARTMENT" and "PLANT". 
The formula i wrote is as follows , even before completing i get this error. I checked the syntax but couldn't find any solution. 
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 144,609 on at
    Using Search function for searching in lookup columns
    Can you please remember to post your code in Text - saves re-typing here. The code should be something like
    Also as a bit of advice, SharePoint Lookup columns are mostly unnecessary with Power Apps and have the potential to cause you unwanted and unneeded complexity and restrictions - I have never used them. It is generally a better idea to get the required field items directly from the second list with Power Apps and write back to a Text column.
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  • Suggested answer
    Pacel1 Profile Picture
    Pacel1 79 on at
    Using Search function for searching in lookup columns
    Searching the lookup column can be problematic.
    To work around this, you can create a collection that adds the text value from the lookup field to a new column

    Then searching the collection should work correctly
    Search(NameOfCollection, TextInput2.Text,YourNewColumnName)

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