Hello there Power Apps community.
I'm here to ask for some advice/help regarding a process of Word Document creation.
At this very moment I have 4 lists, 1 main and 3 other secondary linked trough a column called CV_ID that its the value each entry ID of the main list. (So kind of a artificial relationship between lists)
I have created a flow until now that takes the lists from my SharePoint site takes the values from entries and then I've used the populate a word document connector to complete data to a template.
Problem is that I can't figure it out how to make so that the Flow takes the ID's specifically for each entry from each list, or even better to take the ID of the main list and then for the other 3 lists to look for the CV_ID column value and make an compare.
Also connected to this issue is a button, I want a button that parses those values where I have a gallery of items that display data from all lists in a gallery.
Thank you and If any other details are necessary, I'm here for.
Hi @ZeroPowerApps ,
You have posted this topic in the Power Apps community, but it seems to be about Power Automate. Probably you have a better chance of getting a solution by posting it in the Power Automate Community: https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Microsoft-Power-Automate/ct-p/MPACommunity