Hello everyone, I'm working on creating a Power Automate flow to eliminate duplicate (serial number) records but I'm struggling to get this works. Please refer to the attached screenshots for details on data table and my flow.
When I remove the NextLink from the skip token field in the "List rows 2" step, the flow works well but it removes both the original and duplicate records. However, when I input the NextLink variable into the skip token field, an error occurs in the "List rows 2" part. I suspect the problem lies with the NextLink variable. I would appreciate it if someone could review my flow and identify any issues. Feel free to ask for any additional information about this flow.
Data table:
3) Input: @{length(outputs('List_rows')?['body/value'])}
Name : NextLink
Value: @{if(empty(outputs('List_rows')?['body/@odata.nextLink']),'',decodeUriComponent(last(split(uriQuery(outputs('List_rows')['body/@odata.nextLink']),'skiptoken=')))}