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Power Apps - Error Handling
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Gallery Lookup Text Error

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I have been trying to make a Text title in my gallery rectangle, but the item that I want to reference is a lookup column from a PowerApps table. Every formula I use to make the title gives an error, such as "The property on this control expects Text values. The rule produces Record values which are incompatible." All of my other datacards will work with ThisItem.yourdata, except the one, so I think it's having a problem pulling from the lookup column data and the datacard Items = of Choices([@GolfLessons].'crba7_FullName'). I've tried ThisItem.'Full Name'.Value and a variety of Concat functions.
If anyone has any ideas, let me know! Thanks!
  • CU21110229-0 Profile Picture
    CU21110229-0 2 on at
    Gallery Lookup Text Error
    Thank you! It's a dataverse table, so comboboxName.Selected.columnName worked to fix the error message, except I was hoping to be able to have the title change based on each form that I make in the app rather than changing all of the titles when one name is selected so that it functions more like a ThisItem. Thanks a lot!
  • ronaldwalcott Profile Picture
    ronaldwalcott 1,388 on at
    Gallery Lookup Text Error
    Are you using SharePoint or Dataverse?
    If using a combobox then it maybe something like comboxName.Selected.Value or comboboxName.Selected.columnName depends on the data source.
  • Suggested answer
    jpespena Profile Picture
    jpespena 330 on at
    Gallery Lookup Text Error
    Have you tried:

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