I am trying to test my bot within copilot studio with multiple types of knowledge base(sharepoint, web url link), I noticed that even if the relevant documents are present in the sharepoint library, sometimes it will be unable to retrive the required answer from those documents. Anybody who found this issue already and has some solution to this?
Note:I had already configured the sharepoint library link in copilot studio knowledge base. At a later point of time i had added the document into the sharepoint library. After adding the document, I refreshed the bot and even then , the bot was unable to find the information from newly added document.Not sure how the knowledge base work on the backend,maybe it has some refresh rate happening internally, which is not available in the copilot studio documentation. And it is not a problem with the document exactly, because o was able to retrive the required answer in one of the instances after trying a lot of times.