Hi, can anybody help me with this error?.
An unexpected server error occurred.
Id. de seguimiento de diagnóstico: El identificador de seguimiento no está disponible. Encabezados: {"content-type":"application/json","x-ms-activity-vector":"00.00.00","x-ms-islandgateway":"GA000000B","x-ms-service-request-id":"f55e09fb-6bf4-4747-a512-08a982c4a266"}
This happened when we tried to publish for all organization's members. We already had a ticket with Microsoft, but still no answer from they. Anybody has seen this, so can help us?.
Hi @MDAC2022 , thanks for reporting. Is the issue still reproducing for you? If so, can you send me a private message with your bot's bot ID and tenant ID?
You can find the tenant ID and bot app ID from left navigations Configure -> Detail.