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Validate form fields when using patch?

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Hi all!
Hoping somone can offer some advice here.
I have a Form that is split over 2 tabs on my Powerapp.    In order to submit the form, I use the Patch function.
I normally use the SubmitForm() function and it automatically validates the fields and you get the relevant errors in red text(see screenshot:)
My question is this: 
How do I validate the same way when using the PATCH function? 
Is it possible to run the same validation as the SubmitForm() before doing the patch?
Thanks in advance
Here's my code:
//Old method of submit form
Patch('MWOS_Data_LN', Defaults('MWOS_Data_LN'), FormShiftData.Updates,FormRejectData.Updates);
     // check if there were any errors when the test score was submitted
     // if true, show any error message
         Concat(Errors('MWOS_Data_LN'), Column&": "&Message),
     // else, go to success screen
  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,445 on at
    Validate form fields when using patch?
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  • WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,445 on at
    Validate form fields when using patch?
    Hi @StuDev,
    Unfortunately, you cannot have it both ways - if it passes the test, then there are no errors to display. You would need to go back to what you had before and capture any errors, This would also mean some manual action to capture missing fields.
  • StuDev Profile Picture
    StuDev 12 on at
    Validate form fields when using patch?
    Thanks Warren.
    Do I need to incorporate the error handling for the patch function after the form validation?
    Pseudo code in BOLD red
    IF (FormShiftData.Valid && FormRejectData.Valid) {
    //true - form is valid, now do the patch and the error handling
    Patch('MWOS_Data_LN', Defaults('MWOS_Data_LN'), FormShiftData.Updates,FormRejectData.Updates);
         // check if there were any errors when the test score was submitted
         // if true, show any error message
             Concat(Errors('MWOS_Data_LN'), Column&": "&Message),
         // else, go to success screen
    //show the required fields - Will it do this automatically? or do I need to anything?
  • Suggested answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,445 on at
    Validate form fields when using patch?
    Hi @StuDev​​​​​​​
    Try Form.Valid
       FormShiftData.Valid && FormRejectData.Valid,
          "Errors . . . ",

    Please click Does this answer your question if my post helped you solve your issue. This will help others find it more readily. It also closes the item. If the content was useful in other ways, please consider giving it a Like.
    MVP (Business Applications)    Visit my blog Practical Power Apps    LinkedIn    Buy me a coffee

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