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conditional mandatory dropdown selection

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Hi everyone,

I have an App.
It is a checklist and if something is false, user should set the toggle to false AND should specify what is the issue in a dropdown with predefined options. The dropdown, as default is empty.
This same dropdown disappears when the toggle is true.

I want my "Next" Button (upper right corner) should only be available when any FALSE toggle has a selected item in its respective dropdown.
I tried some nested "ifs" and switches but could not make it work..

Does anyone have any suggestions?

Thank you in advance!
  • Lino Profile Picture
    Lino 123 on at
    conditional mandatory dropdown selection
    Hello, @danappwiz

    No, the the items are not in a gallery.
    I tried your second suggesting but it ends up in the same error i had at start:
    I tried it only with 2 toggle and 2 dropdowns.

    As you can see in the picture, this scenario should not show the next button.
    FYI: in the Onchange property of each toggle i have a Reset(dropdown) comand to erase the dropdown selection.

  • danappwiz Profile Picture
    danappwiz 2 on at
    conditional mandatory dropdown selection
    If your checklist items are in a gallery you can use the following on the OnVisible property of the "Next" button : 
                toggleName.Checked = false && !IsBlank(dropdownName.Selected)
        ) > 0,
    If they are separate components then you would need a more complex formula on the OnVisible instead :
            And(toggle1Name.Checked = false, !IsBlank(dropdown1Name.Selected)),
            And(toggle2Name.Checked = false, !IsBlank(dropdown2Name.Selected)),

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