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Handling by user uploaded files (file/blob type)

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Hi everyone,
I want to to let user upload doc and docx files to then do some analysis by gpt-4o.
There is a prebuild entity "file", that I use to catch the uploaded file by the user:
How can I work with this file type?
Tracking it in testing there is not much information.
Testing it in formula I can see that it is actually a blob type.
Trying to parse it as a json is not working:
I also can use the file as a input for a flow file. As a flow file is a record and not a blob.
How can I work with this data now?
Also on the side, is tehre a way to validate the file type uploaded by the user?
Many thanks and happy holidays!
  • Suggested answer
    Vinoth Selvam Profile Picture
    Vinoth Selvam 1,277 on at
    Handling by user uploaded files (file/blob type)
    Unfortunately file uploads is not working in my case also.
    Will follow this question if someone gets a solution.
  • fchopo Profile Picture
    fchopo 7,965 on at
    Handling by user uploaded files (file/blob type)
    I'm facing the same issue like you with no luck (although tried several expressions and conversions) :S
    I'll keep on researching and let you know as soon as I find a solution :)
    Thanks and Happy Holidays!

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