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SubmitForm updating records but won't create new one

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Hello All,


I have an issue with my app as there is gallery connecting to dataverse table and a form for editing existing records and creating new one. When I select my record in gallery it populated all details in form and I can change it then press button "Save" and I can see my changes straight away. When I press another button "Add new" my form is blank and when I fill it  and press the same button "Save" it gives me error: "The specified column is generated by the server and can't be specified." 


Button "Save" code: SubmitForm(Form3)


Help please! 

  • MP-13011217-0 Profile Picture
    MP-13011217-0 158 on at
    Re: SubmitForm updating records but won't create new one

    Hi, thanks for Your reply, no it is showing the same error. 

  • Drrickryp Profile Picture
    Drrickryp on at
    Re: SubmitForm updating records but won't create new one


     To troubleshoot your issue, and assuming your gallery is Gallery1.

    • put a form on the screen and using the right hand side of the screen, select your your table as the datasource. The form should populate with your fields.   Assume it is named Form1.
    • Leave the Item property blank for now.
    • Set the Default mode property to New
    • Put a button on the screen and set it's OnSelect to SubmitForm(Form1)
    • Put Notify("It Worked!", Success) in the OnSuccess property of Form1
    • Enter some data, push the button and see if it works. 
  • MP-13011217-0 Profile Picture
    MP-13011217-0 158 on at
    Re: SubmitForm updating records but won't create new one

    Where is this setting "Autonumber", please? I have two columns with "choice" and 6 columns with Text with various formats like phone number or email. i don't have any column with number there. 




  • Drrickryp Profile Picture
    Drrickryp on at
    Re: SubmitForm updating records but won't create new one


    One or more of the columns in your Dataverse table is set to Autonumber.  Take this one off your form.

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