Hello All,
I have an issue with my app as there is gallery connecting to dataverse table and a form for editing existing records and creating new one. When I select my record in gallery it populated all details in form and I can change it then press button "Save" and I can see my changes straight away. When I press another button "Add new" my form is blank and when I fill it and press the same button "Save" it gives me error: "The specified column is generated by the server and can't be specified."
Button "Save" code: SubmitForm(Form3)
Help please!
Hi, thanks for Your reply, no it is showing the same error.
To troubleshoot your issue, and assuming your gallery is Gallery1.
Where is this setting "Autonumber", please? I have two columns with "choice" and 6 columns with Text with various formats like phone number or email. i don't have any column with number there.
One or more of the columns in your Dataverse table is set to Autonumber. Take this one off your form.