Hi, i have an offline/online app that saves to a collection, then uploads to sharepoint when online. I have 4x addmedia for the user to add pictures. On another screen, i have the another 4x addmedia, this is linked to a gallery to enable the user to change the image if required. I need to be able to reset the addmedia that is linked to the gallery. I have tried adding a button with the onselect set to UpdateContext({ClearPic:true});UpdateContext({ClearPic:false}), then in addmedia reset set to ClearPic, no error, just doesnt respond. (1st and 2nd image is the edit screen). My collection on the first addmedia screen is Collect(KBLCollection,{Image1:Substitute(JSON(UploadedImage1.Image,IncludeBinaryData),"""","")});SaveData(KBLCollection,"KBLCollectkeep"
any ideas would be much appreciated.