Hi Everyone,
I deleted a required column from a table. Now when i go to import data to that table the deleted column is still showing up as required in the data mapping interface. Anyone know how to clean this up?
Thank you so much @dpoggemann ! I was doing this a much more complicated way so this will save me so much time!
Hi @Anonymous
You fill in the primary name field from your lookups... Should be same as what you were doing otherwise...
Thank you @dpoggemann for taking the time to try to help. I don't think I can import this way as I have so many look up columns that I have to add the GUID for so have the excel file using Power Bi. I can't figure out how to add look ups using the template option.
I'll raise a ticket.
Hi @Anonymous ,
Got it. This might be a bug, not sure... You may want to open a case on this one.
I would do the following and see if it gives you a better solution, this is the import approach from Excel that I utilize.
1. Go to https://admin.powerplatform.com
2. Go to environments and click on your environment
3. Top of screen chose "Settings" for the environment
4. Choose "Templates" -> "Data Import Templates"
5. Select your "Entity" and this will provide you a download Excel template
6. You can then import on the "Data Management" area under Settings
Hope this helps.
I go into the solution, then into my table, I select data and import from excel.
When I come to map the columns, lots are showing as required which have now been changed to optional in the table and show as optional in the app so have been published. This is in the Dev environment but the same in Test too.
Hi @Anonymous
Please help me understand what you mean on the "Import Screen". There are multiple options here and want to know what you are referring to.
Thanks for the response @dpoggemann I have published all Customisations and the changes show in my App fine. It is just on the import screen that they are still showing as required.
Any other suggestions? I've cleared my cache and logged out?
Hi @Anonymous
Please make sure you "Publish All Customizations" and this should resolve.
I have the same issue with columns showing as required but these have been changed to optional. The changes are not updating. @ColdSpark did you find a solution?
I am having the exact same issue. can someone redirect me to the case so I can view resolution there?