Re: How to Extract Attribute value from JSON output
@v-xiaochen-msft I just notice you passed 'objectTypeAttributeValues' in Array on your example but JSON response I'm working with will have multiple objects in below format and I don't see objectTypeAttributeValues in my JSON.
"workspaceId": "21b184a3-5411-4d4c-a9af-dcf7fb6c792d",
"globalId": "21b184a3-5411-4d4c-a9af-dcf7fb6c792d:121231",
"id": "121231",
"objectTypeAttribute": {
"workspaceId": "21b184a3-5411-4d4c-a9af-dcf7fb6c792d",
"globalId": "21b184a3-5411-4d4c-a9af-dcf7fb6c792d:926",
"id": "926",
"name": "ID",
"label": false,
"type": 0,
"description": "",
"defaultType": {
"id": 0,
"name": "Text"
"editable": true,
"system": false,
"sortable": true,
"summable": false,
"indexed": true,
"minimumCardinality": 0,
"maximumCardinality": 1,
"removable": true,
"hidden": false,
"includeChildObjectTypes": false,
"uniqueAttribute": false,
"options": "",
"position": 0
"objectTypeAttributeId": "926",
"objectAttributeValues": [
"value": "2013",
"displayValue": "2013",
"searchValue": "2013",
"referencedType": false
"objectId": "2378"