When using adaptive cards PVA doesn't disable the submit button. This seems to allow multiple submits causing the flows run multiple times but that gives errors.
Anyone has found a workaround or way to fix? This seems to be a bug in PVA
My suggestion is to keep asking for this on these GitHub issues:
Hi @HenryJammes,
This is indeed also a limitation of adaptive cards. Was expecting this to be fixed already as this has a huge impact on the quality of the conversations in PVA with cards.
Have seen working scenarios with teams were the submit is changing the card.
So asking here for a good workaround to update the card to hide the button or indeed a workaround on the client side by adding javascript to PVA webchat widget.
Hi @stevendewaele,
Isn't this a limitation of adaptive cards? Or should it be a behavior on the client side?
I can see it's an open feature request for adaptive cards: Ensuring a submit action can only be done once · Issue #1512 · microsoft/AdaptiveCards (github.com)