Is there any way to tag only the content of a field that spans accross multiple lines ?
For exemple, with the following field, I can't only tag "Lorem ipsum..." to get all the data, but I have to include the Field Label which is not convenient
Field Label 1 : Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit, sed do eiusmod tempor incididunt ut labore et dolore magna aliqua. Ut enim ad minim veniam, quis nostrud exercitation ullamco laboris nisi ut aliquip
Thanks !
Thanks @RemiChambard3!
Are you tagging only the description field? Something that you can try is tagging the description field as well as the subject field as two separate fields. This can help the model to learn not to take the content of Subject as the description field.
Thanks for the feedback.
The type of document I am using is an invoice where it as a Subject and Description fields. One field is just above the other and sometimes when one is missing the model mismatches the extracted field and takes the Subject field for the Description field.
I assume that only tagging the content of the field without including the label could help enhance the recognition of these fields.
I have created the following idea for that request : https://powerusers.microsoft.com/t5/Power-Apps-Ideas/Forms-Processing-gt-Allow-the-possibility-to-select-a-specific/idi-p/849113.
Hi @RemiChambard3,
Thanks for posting this question.
This is unfortunately not possible to do today. Everything within the tagging rectangle will be tagged.
May I ask in what type of documents you have this case?
If you'd like to see this in AI Builder, which looks like it 🙂, I'd recommend posting an idea here so we can prioritize accordingly in a future AI Builder update: https://aka.ms/ideas.aibuilder