Hi PowerApp Experts
I have made an app an have problem with identifying my actual problem.
I have 3 screens, browse screen, edit screen and display screen - and the interaction works perfect with the text boxes.
All my toggle boxes I have set to default: false - so when the user enters a new form, all toggle boxes are showing false value (that is what I want)
When all data is entered, it jumps me back to browse screen (works fine) - then I want to get the data displayed on Display Screen - all data fine, false and true values on toggle boxes - then made an edit button - goes to edit screen - then all toggle boxes are reset to default false.
I made a OnVisible; refresh('SP list'), but it stills display all toggles as false.
What I'm I doing wrong?
Thank you for sharing your scenario 🙂 Have a nice day!
Thank you - this work fine!!
Hi @Anonymous
The reason for this is because you've set the default values of the toggle boxes to false. This means that the toggle controls will show false whenever you create a new record, or view an existing record.
This answer is to set the default value to a formula that sets the value to false, only when a user is adding a new record. The formula you would use would look like this:
If (YourFormName.Mode = FormMode.New,