I am trying to get a Form Page "Main" (type "Main") to open as the default page when the App starts. However, it always goes to a View page - does anyone know how to do this? Possibly a redirect of some sort?
Hi @johnguilbert191 ,
As Ahmed mentioned that is not support but you can do a workaround on the load of View to redirect you to the target form, please check that Call JavaScript Methods Globally Over Dashboards, Home Grids, and Record Forms. – nijos.dev.
then once you have created the button you can make it redirect to the main form by JS code.
Hope this helps, please accept if answers your question or Like if helps in any way.
(Peronalization) Personal settings (per user) has a setting where you can default the Area and subarea - the downside of this is it is per user and by default the individual user can change them later, not sure but you may be able to set them all via XrmToolBox (has a plugin that can set other personal settings - just not sure about these ones) or Flow.
In addition to what @AhmedSalih mentioned you can use URL addressable forms, as per the below article:
Hello, @johnguilbert191, there is nothing OOB that can achieve your requirement. But, you can use JavaScript to open a dialog with specific record. Remember: Forms only show one record information. Are you trying to open the form in a create mode?
Meanwhile, here is the JavaScript that you can use:
And here is this article for how you configure the event handler:
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