Hi, have designed a powerapps in which filtration of tickets is on the basis of ticket "sub category". And there are 2 admin teams who work on the tickets and can see the tickets belong to their Sub category.
Now, have to filter the tickets on the basis of ticket id using search box. But, i have no thoughts how to achieve it.
Formula used to filter items in Gallery :
If(MyProfile.Mail in COE_CW_Admin,
Sort(Filter(AllTickets, SubCategory in MDTeam_SubCategory),Created,Descending),
MyProfile.Mail in COE_SF_Admin,
Sort(Filter(AllTickets, SubCategory in CoETeam_SubCategory),Created,Descending)
Sort(Filter(AllTickets,'Created By'.Email = MyProfile.Mail || 'Created By'.Claims = MyProfile.UserPrincipalName),Created,Descending)
As filtration is based on ticket Sub category changing here may loose filtration.
Could you please suggest to achieve searching tickets using ticket id.