I was trying to retrain a Prediction model, first time it works. It's been days but the status is 'Training'
I created new models and they are also 'Training' for hours.
I tried to delete the model but the operation doesn't work. In the meantime I change table with data.
Is there any chance to abort the training operation? or delete models?
Model id: 3d6048a9-dd2a-4ff1-a60f-263986eeb7b6
Seems that have modified the framework and now the models can be deleted, I have already deleted them.
They have been this bad for 6 months!!!!
It is possible to cancel training - sometimes. I've seen models get stuck and nothing can be done, but I have also seen stuck models where the settings or details link works. When you can get into the details of the model you are able to change the status from training to failed which then lets you edit or delete the model. I have never been able to edit a failed model, and have it work, so I always delete the model and start over.
Microsoft says that the delete function now works on all models stuck in training. That is the little trashcan icon. I've only needed to use it once, so maybe they have fixed the whole thing.
As to endless training, it has never stopped me from creating new models.
I encountered the same problem this week. Surprising that it is still not possible to cancel training.
Does the endless training of a prediction model prohibit other models from being trained in the same environment?
Same here. I also used the minimum amount of rows and few columns in the prediction model, but it's still training after a long time.
The AI builder issue seems to be unresolved, and not a short term outage as MS said.
Back in June, Microsoft said that the issue was a short term outage in AI Builder. They said had been fixed, but I've created two prediction models since then and they are both stuck in training.
The second one I created using the minimum number of rows of data and only 3 columns in a table used to predict a boolean value.
It seems to me that the prediction model is simply not working.
I created a support ticket with Microsoft and just today learned that the issue is related to a service outage that has since been resolved.
Here's what Microsoft Says:
Resolution: We found that your Prediction Model is stuck in the training stage. Hence, we informed you that there was a short term Outage in AI Builder due to which many training models were failed. It is not a bug, the Outage is now mitigated by the Product Team already. I will be pleased to assist you for your future business needs. Once again, thank you for the confirmation to close the ticket
Same problem here it's been 4 days the model is still training. Hopefully this is a good thing?
Same problem. Prediction model with 2500 rows has been training for over a day.
A previous prediction model from December 2022 with 1100 rows and very similar data trained itself in a couple of hours, so something changed since then.
After 2 weeks, all models are still training, during all this time.
Any updates on this issue or advice? I've been trying to train a predictive model since the start of May. Sent an e-mail to the AI Builder team and waiting on a reply.