Hey, guys..
I am creating a PVA chatbot for Microsoft Teams.
I have some doubts about the organization of topics and also about creating menus for users.
First question, how to keep topics organized to make quality management, I don't know if it is possible to create tabs within user topics, to organize.
I currently have 30 topics created where I have 02 Menus.
1 - Menu_Incidents
2 - Menu_Requirements
In the menus, I provide categories for users to choose and be directed to that specific topic.
Ex: Printer, Windows, Office, SAP,
System1, System2, System3, others.
I would like the menus to appear more friendly in the TEAMS, because at the moment there are categories appearing in person in just 02 lines.
Can you help me.
Hi Renato, if I have a license for PVA how can I better organize Topics. I know "folders" aren't available. Other options?
TKS @renatoromao... I created the idea to implement the bot framework composer for PVA teams
Hi @DiegoPeres ,
Yes, we have a requirement here:
Bot Framework Composer integration is not available to users who only have the Teams Power Virtual Agents license. You must have a trial or full Power Virtual Agents license.
If you can't use Bot Framework, you need to suggest your idea here: https://aka.ms/pva/community/ideas
Because I don't think that has another way to do it available yet, unfortunately.
Hi @renatoromao I'm creating the bot directly in PVA in Microsoft Teams, I read the material that made me available but I didn't find the option of the bot framework within Teams, I believe it is only available in the online version of PVA.
Hi @DiegoPeres ,
If you are able to use the Bot Framework Composer in your environment, I recommend it.
You can use adaptive cards to show better options to the user and upgrade your bot UI.
Adaptive cards: https://adaptivecards.io/designer/
Bot Framework Composer: Use Bot Framework Composer with chatbots - Power Virtual Agents | Microsoft Docs