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Compare split(string) to a Text Column

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I want to use a Text Field to enter keywords (semicolon separated) which will be compare to a Text Column 'Mots Clefs', looking if any of the Keywords are a substring of the Column in order to filter a collection 'BoiteaOutils'


Bing Conversation (which can be very helpfull sometime) propose

Filter(BoiteaOutils;IsBlank(Critere.Text) || !IsEmpty(Filter(Split(Critere.Text;";");IsMatch('Mots Clefs';Result)))) 


Filter(BoiteaOutils;IsBlank(Critere.Text) || !IsEmpty(Filter(Split(Critere.Text;";");IsMatch('Mots Clefs';Result.Value)))) 


Filter(BoiteaOutils;IsBlank(Critere.Text) || !IsEmpty(Filter(Split(Critere.Text;";");IsMatch('Mots Clefs';Value)))) 


But none of these formulas works : the first and second have a "Result not a regognized name Error", the last a "Regex should be constant" error


Can you help me with the correct syntax ?


noter : a similar formula, to compare a combox with a multichoice field works fine but it seems the For All part cannot be used with a Text Column

ilter(BoiteaOutils;("Documents partages/General/" in 'Chemin d’accès au dossier') &&( IsBlank(LNature.SelectedItems.Value) || IsEmpty(LNature.SelectedItems) || true in ForAll(LNature.SelectedItems.Value;ThisRecord in Nature.Value)))

  • Flejoyeux Profile Picture
    Flejoyeux 69 on at
    Re: Compare split(string) to a Text Column

    Neither mind my previous comment. The solution works fine


     Filter(BoiteaOutils, 'Mots Clefs' in Critere.Text) will select all records in which any substing of 'Mots Clefs' match a substring of Critere


    Not exactly what i had in mind (in a second step, being able to find a group of word as a key or to choose to combine Or or And for multiple criterias) but simple and efficient enough from my V1


    Thanks a lot !

  • Flejoyeux Profile Picture
    Flejoyeux 69 on at
    Re: Compare split(string) to a Text Column

    i am afraid it is the other way round

    'Mots Clefs' field could be "Vidéo Droit à l'Image IA" for example

    and Critere in search box  "Vidéo;Anonymisation"


    The search should select all records wich has Vidéo or Anonymisation as substring of 'Mots Clefs' text string

  • Verified answer
    CNT Profile Picture
    CNT 10,919 on at
    Re: Compare split(string) to a Text Column


    Please try the following,

    Filter(BoiteaOutils, 'Mots Clefs' in Critere.Text)

    Please remember to give a 👍 and accept my solution as it will help others in the future.

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