As you can see in above picture I ask the user to give their email address in the "main topic" and that is saved as "global variable" to share between topics, the main topic flows are working since the user is asked for the email address in that topic then when the topic jumps to any other topic the flows there fail, I figured out the issue is the email address variable that is not communicating properly to other topics, hence the subtopic flows fail, as you can see below it shows flow was actioned but there is no run history for the flow.
Now that I found out that actually the email address is not being communicated from main topic to other topics, how do I fix it? I don't want to ask users give their email address over and over when they jump to a new topic, I guess that is the whole purpose of sharing variables between topics.
If you want to read how I got here
How to make the global bot(bot variable) issue solved?!
Hi, figured out what was the issue. there were 2 global bot with very similar name! It is shown in the screenshot the Email variable is Bot.UserEmail but the one in main topic which was collecting the email was called Bot.UserEmail1
It is interesting that flow was not failing! Anyhow it is solved and topic can be closed.
Hi @Futurist ,
It's obviously because I sent a screenshot but I need to ask you:
Did you test passing first for this that contains the email question and after redirect to another topic? (if you want, you can test using the Test Bot feature inside the PVA studio, you can see variables on the left side on the black section)
Also if your issue continues, I recommend you to open a ticket from Microsoft support, they can investigate internally what is happening in your environment.