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Control Button DisplayMode with Formula

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I have a 'Submit' button.

The display mode of the button it to be controlled by the following formula, specifically
in all of the titles (highlighted red) are in the image Collection.

The image collection is populated by the taking of a picture using the camera control.

As written, I am getting the error - "Incompatible types for comparison. These types can't
be compared: Table, Table.".

How do I update this formula to make sure the button in 'Enabled' only if all parameters
(Invoice must be 'Install', Gallery count must be '11', and all titles are in the Collection
DisplayName, are met?

Also, if Collection count equals 10 and "Other" is NOT in the Collection DisplayName column,
'Enable' button.
AJP_Invoice_Type_Fld.Text = "Install" And AJP_Image_Gallery.AllItemsCount =11 And
JobImageCollection.DisplayName =
["Attic Entry (If wall fish)","Exterior Entry","Install Agreement","Light at Modem",
"Modem Online","Modem Stickers","Speed Test at Furthest","Speed Test at Midpoint",
"Speed Test at Modem","Wall Plate","Other"
AJP_Invoice_Type_Fld.Text = "Install"And AJP_Image_Gallery.AllItemsCount =10
And "Other" <> JobImageCollection.DisplayName, DisplayMode.Edit,DisplayMode.Disabled)
  • Verified answer
    WarrenBelz Profile Picture
    WarrenBelz 145,580 on at
    Control Button DisplayMode with Formula
    I think you need something like this - comparing anything in a Table ( JobImageCollection ) with anything in another Table (all your values) requires a different approach.
       AJP_Invoice_Type_Fld.Text = "Install" And 
       AJP_Image_Gallery.AllItemsCount = 11 And
                "Attic Entry (If wall fish)",
                "Exterior Entry",
                "Install Agreement",
                "Light at Modem",
                "Modem Online",
                "Modem Stickers",
                "Speed Test at Furthest",
                "Speed Test at Midpoint",
                "Speed Test at Modem",
                "Wall Plate",
             ] As _Data,
                DisplayName = _Data.Value
       ) > 0,
       AJP_Invoice_Type_Fld.Text = "Install" And 
       AJP_Image_Gallery.AllItemsCount = 10 And 
       !("Other" in JobImageCollection.DisplayName), 
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    MVP (Business Applications)    Visit my blog Practical Power Apps    LinkedIn    Buy me a coffee

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