Hi there,
I need some help here - I am creating a bot that can check product and price and return the all the value from Excel Online to the user, but I hit an Error 2003 when trying to pull the data. Please help me.
Image#1 PVA with the Action
Image#2 Power Automate
Image#3 Power Automate
Image#4 Initialize Variable
Hi Kristine,
I would like to thank you so much for taking the time to read my post and provide a solution for me. I learned something new from you today about the "Experimental feature", as I am not very technical. I had removed the values in "Filter Query" temporarily to reduce the error on data pull by the bot. Here are the screenshot for the "Apply to each":-
Screenshot from "Apply to each"
Below is the bot result after some modification. It seems that I had missed out something that the bot can't return a true value.
Thank you for helping me out again Kristine!
Hi @esther-chan ,
I can see a couple 'gotchas' in your flow which are likely to be causing the error:
1) for the OData filter query, in your first screenshot it looks like your query is supposed to be an expression but the text has been hardcoded - in order for that expression to be valid, you'll need to click on 'Dynamic values' and then the 'Expressions' tab and type your expression there (which will then appear pink as you can see below).
I'm not sure how experienced or technical you are but if you're not familiar with writing expressions, you can use the new preview experience of expressions which is very user friendly. To switch it on, please click on the settings icon to the top right of your screen and choose 'View all Power Automate settings and then switch the 'Experimental features' on.
Depending on your region, your filter query should look like this:
2) Your apply to each action step - please could you show me all of the actions within that part? I can't see the expression you entered in the condition step but this could literally just be the value property in dynamic values (as this will return the list of items) and if that value is greater or equal to 1, you'll provide the user with a table of items, if false, then you'll respond to the user with a message that you don't have that specific CSP in your spreadsheet.
More than happy to help further if needed 😊
Hi Renato Romao,
Thank you for taking the time to help me out. I am still facing Error 2003 after amending the Filter Query in List rows. Do you know of any sites/blogs/vlogs that can show me step-by-step in creating a bot to check products and prices so I can do some reference?
Hi @esther-chan ,
The filter query for Excel action (List rows) is wrong because you are using the "apply" text hardcoded.
If you want to filter by Display Name, you need to have:
"DisplayName eq 'YOUR_VALUE'"