I'm working on a chatbot where I have a set of conditions that branch out based on user's input. Several of the branches are pre-determined based on common questions that I'm anticipating the bot to receive from users. I also have one "General" option as a catchall for when none of the pre-determined ones are triggered. The "General" option asks a question to the user asking them to state their issue in one to two sentences and the chatbot save's their response as a variable via "User's entire response" option. This is the only condition that saves an entire response the rest save as their pre-determined variables. My issue is that even when the user selects one of the pre-determined options the bot triggers the remainder of that branch then hops over to the "General" branch and ask the user to describe their issue in a sentence or two. No matter what I try, as long as the "user's entire response" branch is one of the possible conditions it always triggers alongside the other conditions. Any idea if Microsoft is aware of this bug? There is nothing in the user's response that would trigger this. I've checked the phrases and their synonyms to confirm it isn't accidentally being triggered by dual synonyms or something like that. Any help would be greatly appreciated. TIA
Hi @CleberM,
so once a variable is defined its value can not be changed in the same conversation? (for example if i start the conversation again by triggering the restart topic)
Does it depend on where the variable is used? (topic vs. bot)
Hello @kgreen8790 ,
I suspect your bot is using a variable that is defined in the question node that is disconnected ("Phrase" in the screenshot).
When you use a variable that is not yet defined, the bot triggers the node that defines it, so it can continue with the conversation.
Can you check if this is the case in your topic?
Edit: Even when I completely disconnect the branch It still triggers. I'm completely stumped.