I added a custom DataCardValue (say combobox) inside CustomDataCard and copied the original ErrorMessage under my DataCardValue
I tried to set Text property with following but didn't work
Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem.Priority)
Also I have 2 DataCardValue elements in my custom DataCard as shown in snap
How to show particular error message in label (only default error message after form is submitted). I only need to show the error message after form is submitted.... @Reza @RandyHayes @WarrenBelz @Drrickryp @Pstork1 @rubin_boer
For that it would be better to use a data table rather than a label. Then you can just set the items of the data table to the error()
@Pstork1 What if I need to show all messages newline separated?
@Pstork1 Hoping it works!
Since it returns a table you may have to use First() to get the first record.
if(First(Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Column = "Priority",first(Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Message)
@Pstork1 It gives error: "Expected text value"
Tried using
If((Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Column='Priority',Text((Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Message))
Now the error is "...function text has some invalid arguments"
Also tried:
If((Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Column=ThisItem.Priority,(Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Message)
"Expected text value"
The parameters for the errors() function are the data source and the record producing the error. That returns a table of information. So I think what you want is something like this
if((Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Column = "Priority",(Errors('Issues Tracking',ThisItem)).Message)
@v-xiaochen-msft I do not want to use custom error msg, only want to use "Parent.Error"
Why would I use: If(!IsBlank(Parent.Error),"your particular error message")
There is no point in checking if "Parent" is blank because parent, in my case, is a Custom Data Card containing two Data Card Values i.e. Priority & Save as Draft. I merely copied the error message Labels from original Data cards to my custom data card (which houses these 2 controls). Now my question is, How do I enable these custom labels to enact as the the original error message labels? Original label has property set as "Text = Parent.Error"
Hi @akg1421 ,
Please use this formula in the label control:
If(!IsBlank(Parent.Error),"your particular error message")
If you use the patch() function you could use the errors() function.
So, if you use submitform() to submit data, please use my above formula.
Best Regards,
If my post helps, then please consider Accept it as the solution to help others. Thanks.