I have a gallery named 'DLCGallery'. When I select an item from the gallery it opens in the 'DLCForm (editmode). This works correctly. I added another gallery to the DLCForm named 'TaskGallery'. The datasorce for taskGallery is named 'Tasks' and it has a lookup field named 'Parent' that points to the ID field of the DLC Site Record datasource that is used by the DLCForm. When I select an item (OnSelect) from the DLCGallery I set a variable named 'varSelectedDLCFormID' to the id of the record I'm getting into
I confirmed that it was not using another control with the same name and I also tried the Parent.ID option and neither worked. I ended up creating a text field with a modified but similar name which I will populate with the ID and that worked. Not ideal, but functional.
HI @ShawnPelletier,
SInce Parent is a LookUp field, I think you should modify as:
Filter(Tasks, Parent.Id = varSelectedDLCFormID)
In your DLCGallery, can you confirm that you haven't named a label/textbox, or some other control with the name ID? If so that's a possible cause of the error since the control name would clash with the data field name.