I have a gallery displaying sharepoint list items. I am trying to search it based on the title field, a text column, and a managed metadata field.
Search works fine on the first two columns but when I input the 3rd I get the error:
My code takes the format:
as you can see in the photo, the error says expects text type, but mousing over the metadata column it says it is of the type text so I do not see the issue.
Is PowerApps simply unable to search on metadata columns?
Hmm now it's created a new error:
not sure why it's saying it doesn't exist when it's clearly there.
Hi @Lewkir ,
Yes, so the Tags column allows multiple selections?
If so, please try this, concatenate multiple selections to a string.
Hope this helps.
Yeah I had the same idea to use Text() but unfortunately the issue persists:
By sample data do you mean this:
Hi @Lewkir ,
That's weird, since the code work well on my side. Please share the sample data of Tags Label.
Could you please try this?
thanks dear for sporting me, i also provide services on website with free of cost
Hi Sik,
Thanks for the response.
I'm afraid I'm still getting the same error:
It's still saying the "NewTag" field is text too.
Hi @Lewkir ,
Search function only support Text type column, Tags is only shown as Text, but it still managed metadata type column.
To achieve your need, please try this, add a new column to store the label to Managed metadata value. and search by that.
Hope this helps.