I want to pass static value from power virtual agents without using variable to Bot Framework composer with the help of Dialog Interface Input Parameters in Bot Framework Composer and how to use that value which is passed to bot framework composer condition.
Below is the screenshot for example,
I have set input property in Bot Framework Composer under dialog interface.
And Here I call the dialog in Power Virtual Agents and passing the string(image) value True to bot framework composer.
So, how to retrieve the value and use the value inside the dialog in Bot Framework Composer which was sent through Power Virtual agents,
Could you help me on this.
Thanks in Advance!!
Hi @HenryJammes ,
Thanks for your Response !!
But here I am not passing global variable I just need to pass the string value (not user input) in input parameter.
and in bot framework composer need to get the value which I have sent from PVA ("this is my answer")and use it in composer dialog.
Is it possible to get the input parameter value in bot framework composer dialog.
If it is then can you help me with the solution how to use it.
Hi @hemajm,
In Bot Framework Composer, you can access Power Virtual Agents variables without having to define them as inputs. You can access them using virtualagent.variablename