Just as the title states. In the Microsoft Service Desk example app above, the first screen displays a group of filters (I assume). By selecting a filter, you move to a Gallery screen, where you can select a specific record to view details, etc. I am trying to recreate this in my app, filtering by dates, or possibly statuses. That shouldn't matter. Basically filtering on existing fields and data.
I tried creating a button with a filter my first screen, with a Navigate command to the Gallery, either separate, or nested. But all it did was take me to the Gallery with no filtering. Does the scenario above actually use multiple Gallery screens, one for each predefined filter? Or, is there a formula that is actually being performed against a single Gallery. I would really like to understand how this works. Basically, creating a filter that takes you to a Gallery on another screen.
Found the solution in the Forums. To create the above;
ClearCollect(temp,Filter('YourDataSource',Tickets = "In Progress"));Navigate(BrowseScreen1, None)
"temp" is a temporary Collection (labeled temp) created within your app
YourDataSource is the source name of your data (Excel, Sharepoint, etc)
Tickets is a field within your table
"In Progress" is one of the available parameters in that field
On your Browse Screen/Gallery screen, be sure to change the name of your source in Items to; SortByColums(Filter(temp, Starts with etc.